It’s high time we faced… the most popular makeup removal and skin cleansing mistakes. Obviously, I’m not going to nag you if you decide to blow my tips off 🙂 Just let me repeat it like mantra: your skin hates these things! Here are four things you shouldn’t do if you dream of a pretty […]
An important question for the start! Do you know how sun protection filters differ from each other? And another question, do you know which sunscreens deliver the most effective protection? Definitely, it was more than once that people I was talking with said that the subject of sun protection rang a bell but when it […]
Sagging, bruises on the face, wrinkles that appear too early, and unidentified blemishes that come out of nowhere – all of these are problems with complexion and one of their source might be the food you consume. How to recognize what products we eat too much? It wasn’t that long ago when I didn’t know […]
Hello! Each of you must have had a bad hair day. How do we handle the problem? Tight hairdos, putting a hat on or not leaving the house. It is much better to tame unruly strands! How? Read on to find out. Why is Hair Frizzy? Sadly, it is usually us to blamed for frizz. […]
If you’ve noticed your hair falling out too excessively lately, this might – but not necessarily – mean that there’s something wrong happening with your stands. Firstly, it’s worth finding out the cause of hair thinning because sometimes its a symptom of a disease. On other occasion this hard-to-tackle hair loss problem is caused by […]