Currently Browsing: Tips & Fun Facts

How Do I Tame Frizzy Hair?

Hello! Each of you must have had a bad hair day. How do we handle the problem? Tight hairdos, putting a hat on or not leaving the house. It is much better to tame unruly strands! How? Read on to find out. Why is Hair Frizzy? Sadly, it is usually us to blamed for frizz. […]


Why has my hair been thinning so badly recently?

If you’ve noticed your hair falling out too excessively lately, this might – but not necessarily – mean that there’s something wrong happening with your stands. Firstly, it’s worth finding out the cause of hair thinning because sometimes its a symptom of a disease. On other occasion this hard-to-tackle hair loss problem is caused by […]


That’s important! How to choose the finest algae. Recipe for home facial algae mask

Hey there, Today, I’m offering you one, yet ultimate D.I.Y. combined with a few caution words and pieces of valuable advice concerning algae. Do you know that such incredibly-working natural substance such as algae can be also hazardous to your health? The secret of their action lies in the origins and region which algae is obtained […]


Beauty benefits of using mango butter? My recipes for home cosmetics with mango butter

Do you know how mango butter is extracted? Its pressed from mango fruit seeds. Personally, I adore it for its skin and hair moisturising properties. The best two things about mango butter are that it can be applied to all skin types and that it can be used as a base ingredient to make numerous […]


What Are the Best Overnight Hairstyles for a Fabulous Look in the Morning?

Let me confess something… I’m not fond of an evening blow-dry routine. I’m simply tired and want to wrap myself up in a quint as soon as possible. However, my hair hasn’t been looking good recently. I wake up with hair creases, unruly flyaways, frizzy and extremely dry strands. Luckily, I’ve discovered a few brilliant […]